jeudi 21 juin 2018

Female Agency in the Arts (colloque)

This conference celebrates the significant roles women have played and continue to play in the arts and their markets.

Sixteen sessions over two days explore women’s diverse contributions to the arts from a transnational and transhistorical perspective, reflecting global and historical diversity. Not advocating for a separate nor alternative history of art and its markets, the conference looks at the central role played by women in the creation, development, support and preservation of the arts and how their contribution has changed over time.
Sessions focus on women as artists, patrons and collectors of art and architecture, dealers and brokers, art historians and art critics as well as curators and preservers of culture. Including the presence of women in emerging and established art centers, historical aristocratic patronage, and the medieval period, the sessions will investigate a diverse range of topics.
We are very please to announce that Sara Kay, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Professional Organization of Women in the Arts, is the keynote speaker for the conference on 27 June.
The conference will take place at Christie’s, 20 Rockefeller Plaza in New York.

mercredi 6 juin 2018

Lancement de la Grande Collecte d'Archives de femmes

Le 9 juin 2018 a lieu la Journée internationale des archives. A cette occasion, les Archives de France organisent une nouvelle "Grande Collecte" dédiée à l'histoire des femmes : femmes politiques, femmes intellectuelles ou scientifiques, femmes militantes, femmes artistes, femme au travail, elles ont fait l'histoire. Particuliers ou associations, préservez leur mémoire en remettant vos documents aux Archives !

Voir le programme détaillé sur le site de la Grande Collecte
L'Association Mnémosyne soutient cette initiative. Rendez-vous, pour les Franciliens, à Pierrefitte à partir de 13h !